Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Girls Camp, Party time, Excellent

Four years down...and who knows how many more!! I was the stake assistant Camp Director in Washington for 3 years, then I moved to Idaho and who would have thought I would get the same calling again. Well after many bumps along the road camp finally came..I was quite a nervous camper, no one knew me well enough to know what they were getting themselves into when they called me. The stake I am in hasn't had a stake girls camp in 3 years, so this was new for everyone. All of the YCL's (16 & 17 yr olds) and me and a few leaders slept in the big ole lodge. It was wonderful. Joni (stake camp director) and I had our own bathroom. We did allow Alyson (craft and misc. lady) to use it too. How spoiled am I!!

I was a bit nervous because my YCL's were pretty much in charge of the camp. They did all the devotionals and taught a lot of the certification and had to keep the excitement level up. Plus they got a crash course in camp songs the first day of camp. I will tell you they were wonderful. They tore it up. 33 YCL's and not one problem or fight between them. That is absolutely amazing. I had so much fun with them. When it came time to clean the lodge, I didn't even have to give out assignments..they all just started cleaning. I didn't have to clean a bit, loving that even more.

There are so many stories I would love to share, but I don't want to bore you plus with all the pictures..this is going to be a long blog. Here is one story for you..there is a creek that runs through the camp and I decided before camp I wanted to float it, well everyone told me that i couldn't because it wasn't deep enough..well I didn't care, I bought a raft and decided to do it anyways. A couple of my YCL's brought rafts with them as well. So together we all attempted to float it. Pretty much I had to push off on the rocks to move. Not too successful, but Very Very fun!! We drew a pretty big crowd of spectators getting a big ole laugh. Then my cousin Erin jumps in and tackles me, mind you she is prego. Then a big ole water fight started...good times good times. We ended up finding a spot under a bridge that we could float about 3 feet...success I think so. Anyways...A few bruises later...it was a lot of fun and totally worth the 1.88 I shelled out for my raft.

This is Joni and I soaking our feet in the very cold creek...felt so good..it was pretty hot outside.
Some of the girls after a big water fight. Joni showing us how she jiggle-low's...not sure if you all know that song..I will sing it for you one day.
There is a big ole slide from the lodge to the field (lodge sits on a big hill) This is me nearly killing myself going down it.
Me and Nicole a YCL of mine...one of the funniest girls ever. I had a 4-wheeler all week..to take me from the lodge down to all the camps. I would walk everywhere in the morning, but when the afternoon hit the 4-wheeler was mine.
Danielle and Natalie hanging out the lodge.
Cousin Erin teaching us a fun song!!
Nicole doing her interpretive dance..don't ask..she is out of control!!
This is Shayna my neighbor..she played a little joke on me and told me she was stuck behind there..I fell for it..don't worry I plan on getting her back.
Paige....cutest thing ever...cracks me up..I believe she didn't shower until Thursday night..totally explains the smell.
Jone and Alyson the night before everyone got there. They were dancing fools..too bad they wouldn't do it when everyone was there.

On Tuesday we had a huge hail storm..well about three..these are some girls trying to stay dry in the shelter.
Paige and Holli hiding under cover from the storm.
Some of the YCL's stone cold kickin in in the lodge (Natalie, Sadie, Shayna, & Danielle)
More YCL's stone cold kickin it in the lodge. (Vanessa, Lisa, Hannah, Alyson, Vernae, & Mariah)
Once I get some copies of the pictures of me trying to float the creek..I will post them. Lucky Lucky you!!


Misti said...

Good recap! My mom is just going to love the picture of her jig-a-lowing! Seriously, she had so much fun with you and could not have done it without you! You rock!

lisa said...

You would be the FUNNEST Girl's Camp leader, EVER! How fun.

Brandon and Amber said...

Wow, you had a cushy camp! What happened to roughing it???? That slide looks like so much fun and the 4-wheeler too. And I'm a little confused....I thought Erin and you had different camps. Did she just go to have fun?

Kimm said...

Erin was in charge of her ward..I was over the whole stake. I did take all the 16 and 17 year old girls from the wards and they hung our with me. Trust me she did a lot of work.

Lisa Danielson said...

Looks like they picked the perfect person for the job! How fun!!!

Wendy said...

I hope those girls know how lucky they are to have such an awesome person as their leader! I know you would make an great camp leader. Boy, a lodge and showers - how would it be!

marisa said...

are you alluding to wayne's world in your title? haha... sweet camp though. thanks for the invite.

Monica said...

That looks like soooo much fun, and I hate girls camp! You're awesome Kimm!!! Those girls don't know how lucky they are to be able to hang with you. I'm totally jealous!