My cuz planned a mariners game for the whole family there was about 50 of us. It happened to fall on my birthday..so it was my birthday party even though that is not exactly why it was planned!!
Anyways he are some fun pics from the game. Too bad they lost, but nothing beats a game at Safeco Field!!!
So we got there an hour early so we could try to get a ball during batting practice. My brothers, T and Brad and I were in left field. I will not lie...a ball was hit and was coming right at my head and I started to panic, I was saying Brad, Brad, Brad..he wasn't paying attention, so he couldn't find the ball. Anyways..as it soars I jumped (I do not have hops) put my hand in the air and could feel it go right over my hand. The darn guy behind me got the ball..but it was the most exciting second ever. If only could have gotten a ball..that would have made my Birthday!!
Grace, Payton, and Me. Totally Rocked the Birthday Glasses!!

My Nephew Cooper having a good ole time!!!

My Cuz Brandon, me, Cuz Chrystal, her husband Grahm, my Cuz Mikie, his wife Nicole.

Love the birthday glasses - you totally know how to rock them!
So fun.. Happy Late birthday!!
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