Thanksgiving was great this year....Great Food..that is all that matters right. I am so thankful that we had Thanksgiving at my sisters house and that she let us all take over. Jana and her kids came, Jesse, Rachel, Shelby, and John came. Some of Nates family was there. I was also thankful that I got to talk with my brother Jeff, who is in basic training, he sounded great. It was good to hear his voice. He had a great Thanksgiving filled with lamb, shrimp, turkey, prime rib and many more excellent foods. They do not mess around in the army. We had a great onto Christmas!!! I love this time of season!!
The Hanni side of the family!!

Cooper..representing the seahawks...he is so cute!!

Jesse and Jesse's name tag.

John and Shelby

Angela, Jana and the little guy

Shelby has had enough..time to play fat dog!!

Me and Jana at the kids table..nice face I have..

Gage loves his pumpkin pie. The next day he wanted it for breakfast and lunch...didn't happen!
Kimmbal is a consideration:) But no promises:) Don't you love this time of year? Are you going to be around for Christmas? If I can travel by then, we will be there from Christmas until a week later...I'd love to see you if you're around!
Uh, so I see I need to distinguish myself. This is Monica your minority trash friend!!! And partner in crime!
That looks like a fantastic Thanksgiving!!! Hey... are you gonna run in the Salt Lake Marathon next April?????
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