I thought everyone might need a good laugh today. I was going through my pictures and came across some school photos of me and some seriously bad hair cuts. I started laughing and remembered when my good friend YVN aka Evonne threw a surprise party at Red Robin for my birthday many moons ago and just by chance I had pictures of me when I was younger. So I went to my car and got them. Needless to say everyone laughed their heads off, why because I had an ugly childhood. If you think you had an ugly childhood, I bet mine was a little worse. I think all of these pictures are absolutely hilarious, but hey it's good to get the ugliness out of the way when you young, right?
This is my in Second Grade, when the ugly started, notice I have a fatty cold sore aka herpie on my lip and to make matters worse the front of my hair is permed and the back is straight, yep a mullet, a special one.

I would like to point out my fashion sense, who has purple pearls? In the top two pictures I think my perm is growing out...now I have a normal mullet, which I actually prefer. Trading cards anyone..notice how my hat sits on top of my out of control curly bangs! The bottom left just wanted to point out my hot flowered shorts with nylons and my wicker shoes.

Here I believe I kept the mullet going....I loved it, but notice how I accessorise with the big ole ball earrings. And can I say HELLO Teeth...good thing I grew into those.

I just want to know who perms their Bangs and nothing else?????????????

I hope you all had a good Laugh....I sure did!!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It was like seeing them for the first time again. I miss you, Kimm! :)
Thank you for sharing. You are adorable! I remember going to the salon and asking for your exact haircuts, over and over and over. My mom never let me...... We could have been twins. Thanks for the laugh today.
I am crying I'm laughing so hard. You are so funny. You should have posted my matching permed on top, straight in the back mullet. Mom hated us.
Did you or your mom or someone else decide to perm only half your head? Reading Angela's comment makes me think you guys chose it one your own? Interesting but fun! I think everyone grows into their front teeth, I did too :)
There's nothing wrong with wearing purple "pearls".........when you're a 98-year old! Dang, those are nice!
OK, I'm laughing....but you were probably the most stylish kid... right? Angela, I want to see that picture too!
Okay so remember that one haircut and we called you "Joe Dirt"? To this day James still refers to you as "Joe Dirt" because he can't remember your real name. :)
Those pictures are HILARIOUS. I think we all have secret pictures from our childhood that are equally as ugly.
I didn't mean that they were ugly... just that we all have some we *think* are ugly... haha, you know what I mean.
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