PS..pretty sure I am fluent in spanish and I can't spell Feliz Navidad!!
This is part of the gang waiting to walk out onto the field!!
My nephews Josh and Payton and my brother Hunter!!
My Dad and Rocky walking onto the Field..the rest followed!! This is Rocky right before we walked out!!
I don't have the worlds nicest camera, but this is Rocky on the Offensive line..#77!!
Jana and Grace getting poured on..good think for Ponchos!! This is Rocky and I after the game. I had one of us on the field..but i look gross. This one is much better!!
By the way Rocky's team went to playoffs. The were ranked #16 and they played the #2 team and they beat them. Then they lost in the 2nd round to Appalachian state!!
This is the whole gang after the game...gotta love your family!! I don't think we have one normal picture...My sister in law Jana has been living with my brother for too long!!