Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Last one for the Big Guy!! love ya #77!!

I know this one is a month past due too...hey I am Slow!! Jeff's state game was on Friday and Rocky's last home game of the season was on Saturday and they were only a little over an hour away from each other...we got really lucky. So most of the family were at the games. We were able to walk out onto the field with Rocky as they called his name for the last time. My whole family walked out including an aunt and uncle. It was quite the parade. Then it poured on us during the whole first half of the game. What a way to go out. I started the season out with rain..might as well end it with rain. I have enjoyed being able to go and see my brother play for the last 4 years. All the late night driving, cheering and hot dogs are going to be missed very much. I am very sad to see it all end. There were so many fun times at those games and even more fun times at Rocky's house eating pizza after the games. Thanks Rocky for sharing this with me!! I love you very much!!

This is part of the gang waiting to walk out onto the field!!

My nephews Josh and Payton and my brother Hunter!!

My Dad and Rocky walking onto the Field..the rest followed!! This is Rocky right before we walked out!!
I don't have the worlds nicest camera, but this is Rocky on the Offensive line..#77!!

Jana and Grace getting poured on..good think for Ponchos!! This is Rocky and I after the game. I had one of us on the field..but i look gross. This one is much better!!
By the way Rocky's team went to playoffs. The were ranked #16 and they played the #2 team and they beat them. Then they lost in the 2nd round to Appalachian state!!

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