My cousin Brian got married on January 4th in Utah. Jeff and I drove up to attend the luncheon and wedding. It was a big ole reunion, since I didn't go home for Christmas. He is actually the oldest of all the cousins on my dad's side. I guess it is a good thing he got married, but now that leaves me the oldest of all the cousins, suck...I used to always say well Brian's older and then they would leave me alone ( I am talking about Grandma, mainly..ah G-funk). Now I will have to come up with something else. His wife Jenny is really nice and cute as a button. I don't know her to well, but I am sure we will be BFF. The wedding was absolutely beautiful!!! Congratulations Brian and Jenny!!!!
This is me, Brian, and Jenny...I think I told her we would be BFF's!!

Brian and Jenny right after they said I Do!!

The cake is awesome.. I heard it was either her brother or brother in law who made it...and it was his first wedding cake he ever did!!

Obviously the cousins Karen, Me, Tina, and Sarah had to get in a hot picture...2 out of the 4 our being one of them...totally kidding.

Their first dance as Brother and Sister Fuller. They are so cute!!
I'm so glad you posted pictures of this. I'm sad I missed it! Looks so fun!
It was so fun to see everyone there! Especially you with your cute little buns! :)
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