So for Christmas this year I was able to go to my brothers house. Which is about an hour away from Blackfoot. This was actually my first Christmas away from home. I believe it was the first white Christmas that I have ever had. I had a blast! I was there for about 5 days and wish I could have stayed longer. We played hide and seek I think just about every night. They have the best house for hide and seek. Christmas morning was the has been awhile since I have been with little kids and it's fun to see how excited they get. Of course they spoiled me. I even got my own stocking. They left Santa a piece of cheese cake and he ate it and left a note that said thanks. Josh thought that was pretty cool. I couldn't believe their kids didn't get up until 8 am...When I was a kid I was up at the crack of dawn. I did appreciate the sleeping in. Anyways...Thanks Jeff, Jana, Josh, Payton, and Grace for a great Christmas.
This is Payton is his new sled!!

Grace got a bunch of princess outfits. She was constantly changing. She is in love with the nutcracker and this is her dancing to it.

This is Josh by his new desk and he got some sweet roller blades.

Princess Grace with her crown, blinged out cell phone, and a pig that snorts..she loves pigs.
1 comment:
What fun we had with you here!!! Thanks for coming and helping make everything happen for the kids. You were WONDERFUL!!! We miss you!
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