Jeff is home and ready to pack up the family and make the move to Alabama. He has been gone for the last 6 months at basic training and then at AIT training in Virginia. He came home Friday night and I was so glad to be there. It is all over...the family will not have to be separated for awhile...time has flown for me...not too sure how fast it went for Jana and the kids. The kids actually had no idea that Jeff was coming home..he showed up and surprised them the next day. Thank goodness we were able to go to Logan the next day to see him cause who knows when we will see him again!! Glad you are home Reffy!!
Our first sighting of Jeff!

Reff and Rana

Me and Reff...too bad his eyes are closed!!

Kylee was a bit emotional..she kept blaming it on the pregnancy. Pretty sure she will kill me for this. Oh well..

The boy scouts in his ward aligned the street with was pretty cool. This is the family!! Can you tell the Payton is done with pictures..

Gracie showing me how she can ride a two wheeler..

Baby Henry and Cooper are about 5 months apart...aren't they the cutest babes ever!!
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