This is one of my best friends Brooke. She is one of the first people I met when I first moved to BYU in 1997. We have been through it all. She was such a trooper to come to Rocky's game at BYU and sit through the snow and all the other crazy weather that came that day. Love your guts!!

This is Ann..We worked together at girls camp. She is one great friend..I am so glad that I was able to work with her for 3 year. She is amazing and always taking care of me. This is us at our last lunch together before I left..we ate at our favorite sushi place..Sushi Town.
These are two of her 4 kids. R.. is my buddy..I just love him to death. S...she is a good kid most of the time...ha ha just your guts. 
My going away party..everyone at the party is my favorite. It ended up being a girls night much fun. C..sitting next to me in green is the mother of the W kids. (they are at the bottom).
S and K...well I have known them my whole life. S is the mother of K...our parents knew each other before we were born. such a great friend..we can go for months and not talk and pick up a phone and it is like we never missed a beat! I love that.
B and A our married...B and I went to high school together, he is a great friend most of the time...ha ha. A is actually the sister to K . She is hilarious and a trooper for putting up with B.

My going away party..everyone at the party is my favorite. It ended up being a girls night much fun. C..sitting next to me in green is the mother of the W kids. (they are at the bottom).

This is actually Nate's sister (ang husband) Kristen. She is awesome..she comes to Washington to see concerts and go to fairs. She came to see Chris Daughtry with us and her and Ang went to the fair all day before it. If I am correct it was her first fair and the first time she had ever been on rides. I guess if I have to I will share the favorite aunt title with her..there is no one better to share it with. Ang don't think you are in my Fav of 2007, ha ha!! 

The E Family...I was there Nanny/family assistant for a year. There are actually 6 kids. The four below were adopted from Liberia and the are all biological siblings. The youngest 2 came 6 years before the older 2. Such a neat story. They are hilarious..the oldest 2 have the best stories from Liberia. I had a good time hanging with these guys for a year. One of the neatest families ever!
This is R he came home after we took the group picture. He was at football practice..this kid is all about sports. His sister J..didn't make it home from school before I left.

This is Sunny and J. Sunny and I met in 2001 we were in the same ward. She is such a great friend..It has been good to see her and I am sure I will see her a lot more now that we live so close...3 hours 12 hours. Her daughter is a crack up..gotta love the glasses. Her husband didn't quite make the list because he calls me Joe Dirt..I had a hair mishap right about the time I met him. I had a bit of a I am not talking about my childhood mullet..I am talking about 5 years ago! I don't even think he knows my real name. 
The W family are one of my favorite families! I just love there kids. I would sit with them every sunday at church (there dad is in the bishopric). I am pretty sure they like me better than there parents. This is a couple days before I moved. I do miss them a lot. They have the best personalities. There mom is one of my good friends, thank goodness she is from Idaho Falls so I get to see them when they come out.
I just love this picture of K...she is hilarious!!
P...they cutest baby ever!

Me and T..her and her brother always made me make them crosswords during sacrament.
T-dawg...he wants to be a rapper...don't tell his parents.

Me and T..her and her brother always made me make them crosswords during sacrament.
Don't even pretend like I didn't make your list! I am actually on it twice! You love me most!
No I don't....I love Gage the most!!
I can't tell you how important Jasmine and I feel to be on your list. I think that James is going to give you the silent treatment now or start calling you by your real name--if he knows it.
You know you like me more than Brandon yet, I see no picture of me :(
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